Aibara'sWEIRDprototypeMSX-safaripark project
AOKINAO(Aoi)'sWebpageCG gallery(Japanese only)
AFC(Akasaki)'sMSX junk shopsprite editor(Japanese only),BGM editor,sound effect editor(Japanese only),TWINBALLjr.,SANDGRASS,mini games(Japanese only),VRAM tips(Japanese only)
Adachi'sMSX's roomFamous games(Japanese only),Talk to oneself of MSX,Registration comment of MSX software(Japanese only)
Ada(Amadatsu)'sRAREgame spiritbulletin boead for rare game(Japanese only)
Manu(Abe)'sKoike-ya HomepageCircle to publish and to be consigned for sale(Japanese only)
T.Iida'sfMSX for FM-TOWNSfMSX emulator for FM-TOWNS (Japanese only)
T.I.stealth(Iizuka)'sSTUDIO SequenceTest version of ETERNAL STRIKER,MECHANICAL BRAIN(Japanese only)
Lucky(Ikeda)'sMSX PAGEMSX Online Software in Japan,MSX Game Soft Information(Japanese only)
Ikehata'sMSX pageWhat's MSX?,Game review(Japanese only),Emulator trouble shooting(Japanese only)
Isaki'sProject X-MSX communicationcommunication soft from MSX to X680x0(Japanese only)
Motoki(Ishii)'sMSX now!small chat(Japanese only),message board(Japanese only)
Takatsuki(Ishigami)'sCreater's roomMSX history and capacity(Japanese only),STICK function and sprite(Japanese only),for MSX creater bulletin board(Japanese only),softwawre introduction(Japanese only)
EBIRA(Ishikawa)'sMSX RoomSantokuya-BBS(Japanese only),Chat Room(Japanese only)
HAKASE(Ishikawa)'sDelta-Z Homepage"Fighters Ragnalok" Trial Version, Mail Order(Japanese only)
Ishihara'sIntroduction of ML-8000
Ishizeki'sMSX's Glory And FailConsideration why MSX was accepted and abandoned(Japanese only)
A.Ishihara'scarries magazinesBASIC magazine game music corner(Japanese only)
Ishiyama'sgame machinesgame review(Japanese only)
NYANTAC(Izumisawa)'sMSX pagepocketbook of machine language on WWW,Creator's Guide Book(Japanese only)
Ito'sfMSX PageScreen Driver , Tcl/Tk Interface for fMSX (Unix/X),penguin adventure tips(Japanese only),Software of own work(Japanese only)
msxddvp(Ito)'smsxgalleriaMSX and Print Gokko CG,MSX logo T-shirts(Japanese only)
N.I(Ito)'sBigBenhomemade games(Japanese only),programing seminar(Japanese only)
Yashok(Ito)'sCTRL+Break2D fighting game "DEADorLIVE"(Japanese only)
Imamura'sSYNTAXMSX infomation paper MSX-P,NV information,SYNTAX Mail Magazine(Japanese only),MSX user's meeting in Sapporo(Japanese only)
SoLeiL(Irie)'sMSX pageIntroduction about MSX(Japanese only)
Ueda'sMSX gameKakutou series,welkis the regend(Japanese only),Mapper RAM useful Idea(Japanese only)
Daioh(Ueno)'sGamer's roomFamous game review(Japanese only)
Ueno'sMSX Small RoomConributions to "Dream Art" on NV, and some CGs(Japanese only)
Ubukawa'sLibraryImo-pro magazine(Japanese only)
(NOB)(Enomoto)'sMSX Labo.2DD diskcopy tool,ROMimage hundling utility
Yoshiteru(Lina)'sTerms on MSXMSX-BASIC Terms(Japanese only)
Aozakana'sAozakana HomepageAcrobat 232(Japanese only),Virtual CUBE,matrix puzzle(Japanese only),File friend rimix(Japanese only)
Oga'sMSX catalogMSX advertisement photo(Japanese only)
Craftsman(Okada)'sWhat's MSX?
ta-ya(Okada)'sMSXHennano Disk magazine(Japanese only),Programmer's field,investigation of valiable name(Japanese only)
Okabe'sOne of MSXSound test on PSG(Japanese only),Software related with PCM. Converters from/to MSX-PCM, *.WAV, etc.(Japanese only),MSX information(Japanese only)
Okamura'sfMSX on ATfMSX Manual(Japanese only)
Oguri'sMSX pageMSX goods photoe(Japanese only)
ZANA(Ozaki)'sMSX's roomROM loader,sc8 to bmp convert tool(Japanese only),1GYOU3(Japanese only),KONAMI in 1(Japanese only)
prince(Ozawa)'sMSX catalogMSX catalog table(Japanese only)
S.Oda'sCG garally16-color-CG by MSX(Japanese only)
Soda_the_Dreamer(Odashima)'sM.K.P.History of MSX(Japanese only)
Kaige'sMSX agephoto of product(Japanese only)
Kakey(Kakishita)'spersonal computerMSX2 and turboR(Japanese only)
Tarou(Kashiwazaki)'sMSX pageRS-232C cartridge(Japanese only),terminal software EsTerm(Japanese only)
Tosy(Kato)'sW341adapter 98 mouse to MSX mouse(Japanese only)
Kamei'sThe Cave of Tomorrows SoftInformation of "GALS QUEST" Series, "Fighting Panpas Root 5" Downloadable.(Japanese only)
Kawai'sMSXhomemade game for turboR(Japanese only)
ARIAKIRA(Kawasaki)'sAriakirasoft Software Download PageBMP saver,debugger for MSXDOS,Disk duplicater,E-Mu-Ga-Me; samegame like game
freim(Kawase)'sMSX roomReport of MSX emulator(Japanese only),game review(Japanese only)
Kawata'sMSX club KSMSX event in Kanazawa(Japanese only)
Kawano'sthe return of MSXPenalty Kick etc(Japanese only),about emulator(Japanese only)
Kawahara'sPenguin AdventureTips,command(Japanese only)
Kawamura'sRoom of PCs1M Byte RAM, "PC-98 to MSX"Mouse converter(Japanese only),Icons by MSX(Japanese only)
MIJINKO(Kishima)'sLife with MSXScore Editor "MjuTEH Book", and its tutorial(Japanese only)
Kishimoto'smachine historymy MSX history(Japanese only)
Kazushi(Kitajima)'sM & S & X worldSCREEN1 technic(Japanese only),MSX press(Japanese only)
masanao(Kitora)'sMSX is GO(O)D
Kusanagi'sNAGI-P SOFTOriginal Software on MSX-FAN, "LAST WAR", "MARS", "SIEGE", "The Tower of 8192"(Japanese only),Comment board for MSX user(Japanese only)
Kotarou'sMSX againboard game(Japanese only)
Kutsukawa'sKSTMSX logbook 1(Japanese only),PEAKMAGIC testversion(Japanese only)
Kurabayashi'sgameindexReviews on "Konami Antiques" for PlayStation(Japanese only)
Kuroki'sMSX SeriesHistory of starts to advertise MSX(Japanese only)
K-KAZ(Kokubun)'sXray Main pageText-editor-based Music Tool "MPK"(Japanese only),3D CAR ACTION F-Nano2/2' Trial Version, Time Trial(Japanese only),BBS information(Japanese only)
Qajin(Kojima)'sMSXboot sector rewriter,BASIC program runner,music kit for MSX-View
Goto'sMSX Loving party
Wiz(Goto)'sMSX is in very good Health!MSX games(Japanese only),ESERAM,course of MSX repair(Japanese only),PSG technical information(Japanese only),Today's M-spo(Japanese only),Chat(Japanese only)
nf_ban(Kobayashi)'sGIGAMIXDM system 2,Discussion about DM-System2(Japanese only),Atacchatte 25%,MagicalLabyrinthRemix,MEGAROM database,MEGAROM database,GIGAMIX PRESS,ESE seminar,THE LINKS member mailing list(Japanese only)
Frieve-A(Kobayashi)'sMSX4 member RPG(Japanese only),Frieve Present Disk(Japanese only),Frieve 1993 Midi Correction(Japanese only),MSX BBS corner(Japanese only)
Kobayashi'sProgram cornerGame & tools(Japanese only)
calling(Kobayashi)'sMSX-BASIC gamesBASIC magazine contribute games(Japanese only)
Kondo'sMy Favorite Games (MSX)game review(Japanese only)
Nuts(Saito)'sGame PageGame review(Japanese only)
Yamada(Saito)'sKt2's MIDI Data SelectionSMFs of Game Musics with PSG(Japanese only)
Andy.D(Sakai)'sInukkiriInuzori Sorekkiri:coterie magazine by MSX users(Japanese only),MSX event photograph(Japanese only)
SAKA(Sakanoshita)'sSAKA's MSX Home Page!MSX News on BBS system(Japanese only),Ese Seminar in Osaka and MSX Users' Meeting(Japanese only),Reports of Events(Japanese only)
Sakamoto'sMSX memorial hallKonami game review(Japanese only)
HermesSATO(Sato)'sMSX cornerUNO(Japanese only),KONAMI BGM PLAYER(Japanese only)
TOMOHIRO.S(Sato)'sGamesReview of Metal Gear 2 "Solid Snake"(Japanese only)
Sano'sMSX pagePUSHBLOCKS(Japanese only),DM-SYSTEM2 BPEtools(Japanese only),WAVEMSX(Japanese only)
Sayo'sMSX PagefMSX1.5 PSG and SCC emulation patch for SGI IRIX OS,How to DDI -> DSK(Japanese only),ese RAM,acrobat232,infrared remote controller(Japanese only)
Shichijou'sMSX userMSX and me(Japanese only)
Boo(Shibata)'sOwn hard/soft listold Game review(Japanese only)
Shibamoto'sMSXcas Cassette utility for fMSX version 0.1MSXcas version 0.1 archive for UNIX
Shimazu Donkey(Shimazu)'sMSX CG GalleryCGs of "Peach Up", etc(Japanese only)
Shimanuki'sScrambled ArchivesMSX and/or MIDI music,Game tips
Tatsu(Shoji)'sTatsu's MSX information centertechnical information of BASIC,HI-TechC,assembler,cross developping(Japanese only),TheATTACKERS,freecell(Japanese only),libraries for HI-TechC/MSX-C,tools for DOS2(Japanese only),"MSX no Tsudoi" the meeting in the Tohoku area(Japanese only)
Shirakami'sInuzori-sha Underground PageLatest Information on "Inuzori-sha"(Japanese only)
Shiroi Katsuo(Shiroi)'sWeekly SYNTAX NewsWeekly related MSX news(Japanese only),MSX event information,event report(Japanese only),Free talk(Japanese only)
Shinki'sMy hard & softsale MSX hard & soft(Japanese only)
akiyoshi(Jimbo)'sOLD good COMPUTER!!MSX personal computer-charenge of transposition(Japanese only)
Poligonizer(Jimbo)'sImpressive games I've playedSome reviews about games(Japanese only)
Shinyashiki'sGamerMinor game review(Japanese only)
John(Sugiyama)'sMSX free boardMessage board for MSX users(Japanese only)
Sugimoto'sOpenSpace FukuokaRankings of old games, Competition of high scores(Japanese only),OpenSpace Fukuoka BBS(Japanese only)
Takamichi(Suzukawa)'sG&TSoftgame translation works,game translation works,Ninjinkun2 promo version,information of MSX Year's End Party,MSX Festa '97 Report
Suzuki'sGO! GO! MSXHow to get FDD Drive belt(Japanese only),Game(Japanese only)
SuzukiChoku(Suzuki)'sMSX Roomgames for MSX2(Japanese only)
Y.Suzuki'sM roomMSX haraware review(Japanese only),some favorite games(Japanese only)
Hikoro-(Suzuki)'sMy lifeNOHOHON CG(Japanese only)
drm(Suzuki)'sM.S.X. User's pageabout games and MSX(Japanese only),game review,shalom/goonies/daiva/garious tips(Japanese only),Games of MSX-FAN "FANDOM"(Japanese only),SMFs of MSX game musics for SC-88(Japanese only)
suzy!!(Suzuki)'sM's RoomHistory of MSX, Impressive Games(Japanese only)
Knight's chamber(Seino)'sNinja TAPNinja TAP official homepage(Japanese only)
Sekino'sPALA SOFTIntroduction of RPG "Reolef - Dimensional Wing -", and New Release Information(Japanese only)
Semba'sMSX Broadcasting StationGame Tips Database, program download corner(Japanese only),Technic for SCREEN3(Japanese only)
ma3(Taka)'sStudio Try to Do!home made softwares(Japanese only)
Yocchan(Takahashi)'sabout programgames of own work(Japanese only)
John Winter(Takahashi)'sMSX forum '98MSX event information in Kurashiki(Japanese only)
Kanju(Takahashi)'sMonokiOriginal Games "Dream Fighters","Koroshi-am"(Japanese only)
Takeguchi'sMSX outlineWhat is MSX?(Japanese only)
Tanaka'sMSX roomGame ranking(Japanese only)
LARz(Tanaka)'sL-modeCG library(Japanese only)
HIROSHI.T(Tanaka)'sPrograming pageshooting game Startling Shot W,3D modeling test version,text edit tool on mouse
Yum(Tanaka)'sWonderful MSX World!tools for DOS2,MSXView(Japanese only)
Tamaki'sfMSX InformersfMSX explanation in Japanese,fMSX FAQ(Japanese only)
Ujanekoja(Tamiwa)'sseasoned computersmy favorite computers(Japanese only)
Chigira'sGames roomMSX origin games(Japanese only)
MSX Aikoukai(Chiba)'sMSX Grape systemSuper computerization of MSX(Japanese only)
Tsukamoto'sMSX and PSGexamination PSG(Japanese only)
CROSS-WAVE(Tsujikawa)'sNAGANO-MSX bulletin boardlocalize board(Japanese only)
Ealia(Tsuchiya)'sCreative Labo.Moon light Saga atelier(Japanese only)
Tsuzuki'sFor all MSX usersBackup useful technique programs(Japanese only)
Tsumura'sSoftware studiogames of own work(Japanese only)
Terada'sComputer roomHow to use liquid crystal display(Japanese only)
Tokuyama'sfMSX for WindowsMSX emulator fot Win(Japanese only)
Tokairin'sPC Technique Against The TimesAnalysis on internal code of MSX BASIC(Japanese only)
Tomohara'sSoftwareShooting game "S.T.G", Dodontaku(Japanese only),Simple Tester for Acrobat232, Une-Une(Japanese only),How to make Acrobat232 based upon MAX203(Japanese only),Bulletin board(Japanese only)
Nagai'sChannel.gameMSX soft review(Japanese only)
NAKAZY(Nakajima)'sgame roommadoh story1-2-3,nemesis2(Japanese only)
Nakajima'sGorilla Face SOFTDoramumon,GomokFight2,90t Boxing(Japanese only),techno music for MML(Japanese only)
Nagata'sANSoftoriginal software packs(Japanese only)
Nakanishi'sMSX pageShooting game,Maze game(Japanese only),Sound editor,Map editor(Japanese only),MSX program seminor(Japanese only),Me and MSX(Japanese only)
Gionshoja(Nakamura)'sGionshoja's Free Software, Look and LaughMIDI Interface "Tada-MIDI", SMF Player,MIDI Interface "Tada-MIDI", SMF Player
Nagano'sStudio BreezeMASL Data tool(Japanese only),MIODRV; Music Driver for MIDI,OPLL,PSG,SCC , PCM player(Japanese only)
Nakano'sThe User's News Express[TUNE]Let's use BASIC on MSX emulator(Japanese only)
A to C(Nakayama)'sProgram for MSXZero Type,Deca MAG,Deca BMP,Kanji Driver (Un)installer,PAC Saver,M80&L80 support system,BID/BMP Converter,Free KANJI ROM(Japanese only),Bug Diary (Japanese only)
Taro(Nakamura)'sTarosuke-CityBBS on MSX systems(Japanese only)
Nabaya Nami(Nakamura)'sMSX CGCG drawing by MSX(Japanese only)
Niga(Nigawara)'sMSX pageMEGA-SCSI,ESERAM,imitation mu pack production exam(Japanese only),Konami game patches(Japanese only)
Nishizono'scomputer roomgame musics for FM BASIC(Japanese only)
Nishihata'sMSX dataMessage on Daiva for MSX1(Japanese only)
Saibara(Nishihara)'sInformation about MSXDocument of ESERAM,Document of Z80,DOS2,SCC,MuSICA(Japanese only),Game technics(Japanese only),Quiz for MSX mania(Japanese only),BBS information
Nishimura'sMiracle of 400 millionCPU clockup(Japanese only)
Beaver(Nishiyama)'sMSX HOUSEBerver sweper,Bever forum(Japanese only),Buy it Believe Berver!(Japanese only),Handbook of MSX(Japanese only)
Root(Nemoto)'sfreeMSXMSX2 emulator for PowerMac(Japanese only)
Noguchi'sDreamsBGM Data for MuSICA, Music Consulting Room, MIDI to emulate PSG(Japanese only)
JN2SBB(Nonogaki)'sSoftware libraryRBBS soft,attrib for DOS1(Japanese only)
PEN(Haga)'sMSX World ExpoMSX World Expo's Official Site(Japanese only)
Hao'sMSX pageGame music for MSX-MUSIC(Japanese only),fighting game:STRIKE DOWN2(Japanese only)
Hagaya'sgamer diarygamereview,gradius2/3 manuals and tips(Japanese only)
Hajime'sCG by MSXSome pictures drawn with MSX(Japanese only)
Hatano'sprograming languageMSX-BASIC to assembla(Japanese only)
flower(Hanaoka)'sQuiz! Atacchatte 25%Deveropment episode(Japanese only)
Haba'sSunday ProgramingfMSX plural disk patch for UNIX/X(Japanese only)
Hama'sNovel ProjectsInteractive novel GOOD LUCK(Japanese only)
A.Higuchi'sAkira-Higuchi factoryfMSX for Linux(FM-TOWNS)(Japanese only),Columns like game(Japanese only)
DEME(Higuchi)'sMIDI DATA LIBRARYMIDI files of the old game musics(Japanese only),Database of Reviews on MSX Games(Japanese only),Database of Reviews on MSX Games(Japanese only)
Hishida'sMSXgame library(Japanese only)
hishidama(Hishida)'scomputerDragonSlayerIVmap,gamereview(Japanese only)
Tarach(Hirai)'sThousand and One Gameshome videogame comments registration(Japanese only),home videogame review(Japanese only)
Hiramatsu'sHome pageFORTH compiler for MSX,animation tool ACE(Japanese only),minesweeper(Japanese only),FORTH compiler technical information(Japanese only),ESE seminoe 8 photography(Japanese only),natural picuture(Japanese only)
Fukui'sMUSIC BOX And NUMBERSData for OPLL Driver, SMFs(Japanese only)
KICHI(Fukuyoshi)'sOriginal Brain KeepersDeBuJa,STREET BISON III(Japanese only),Chat room(Japanese only),MSX remodeling diary(Japanese only)
Fujii'sfmsx1.5 + IRIX Audio Libraryadd IRIX audio library to fMSX for UNIX (Japanese only)
Fujikawa'sMSX PageHis MSX Environment(Japanese only)
RETURN(Fujita)'sMSXwoRksMSX photo shots(Japanese only),original games(Japanese only),CGs for graphsaurs(Japanese only)
Fujimoto'sThe Wistaria Trellis
Fujiyoshi'sMSX-ML-JMailing list for MSX and CP/M (Sleeping?)
Fanta(Funahashi)'sFreesoft for MSXSoftware of own work(Japanese only),PCM PLAYER for MSXDOS1/2(Japanese only)
Hoshino'simperial mechanismMSX history musium(Japanese only)
ANTARES(Hoshino)'s"King's Valley 2" Custom StagesOriginal stage data for "King's Valley 2"(Japanese only)
Hossy(Hosoyama)'sGallerypuzzle auto answer soft(Japanese only)
SOR(Hongo)'sHomepageMGS music data archive(Japanese only)
JF6TMZ(Honzono)'sMSX emulator for MS-DOS Japanese ManualJapanese Manual for Marcel de Kogel's fMSX(Japanese only)
Honda'sMSX!!favorite games,books(Japanese only)
Mameo(Maeda)'sabout Mameo's GameGame introduction on MSXFAN(Japanese only)
Makky(Makihara)'sMSX DatabaseSearch system for MSX software(Japanese only)
Makuta'sMSX BroadCastingStationSearch Engine of MSX Users(Japanese only),Original Games(Japanese only),Reviews on some too minor games(Japanese only),Writable database on MSX software(Japanese only)
Majima'sMAZ SOFTOriginal software(Japanese only),Original software(Japanese only)
Ryo(Masuda)'sRAKUGAKI GalleryCG drawn by turboR(Japanese only)
MAO(Matsui)'sGIGAMAX homepageold game review(Japanese only)
Mattue(Matsue)'sMSX roomOriginal games(Japanese only)
Matsuo'sListen to me!Why was MSX decline?(Japanese only)
Matsuno'sYellow planMSX games early days,bill panic(Japanese only)
Mammo(Matsumoto)'sEmulatorEmulator FAQ(Japanese only),Reviews of MSX soft on emulators for Macintosh(Japanese only)
Misaki'splayroomDon't you forget?(Japanese only),software table playable on fMSX(Japanese only),story and review of some games(Japanese only)
Mizuno'sPocker computer hardwareSCC music with pocket computers(Japanese only)
Minakawa'sLOAd ON CALLMSX illustration(Japanese only)
Minagi'sMinagi Shingo: Software Support Information"MSXCG", the Viewer of BSAVE format for Windows/DOS(Japanese only)
Mihashi'sZ80inside pageManga of MSX(Japanese only)
Mihara'sMSXmemorable MSX(Japanese only)
Murai'sMSX and fMSXLink collection of MSX-Emulators for Macintosh, Screenshots
ZAP(Murakami)'sDream Island (My Works Plus)"HIT AND AWAY DX" and some games from MSX-Magazine etc(Japanese only)
So(Muraki)'sSO's CoppiceCG on screen5(Japanese only)
Emu(Murase)'sMSX pageHaraware information(Japanese only),MSX Assembly in Nagoya information(Japanese only)
GYRO(Muramatsu)'sGIGAMIX roomAtacchatte 25% experience ver(Japanese only),DM-SYSTEM2(Japanese only)
K.Mori'sMicrosoft X BBSBBS for MSX exclusive(Japanese only)
Kunimitsu(Morishima)'sMSXhomemade shooting making memo(Japanese only)
Moriya'sgame roomMUSUKUSU game review(Japanese only)
Moritsu'sMSX Small RoomBattle Games of Antiaircrafts, and Naval Battles(Japanese only)
lunlumo(Moriwaki)'streasure junkWhat's MSX?,machine photos(Japanese only)
Yanai'sHomepageMSX Graphic print tool for JAVA,MSX font for Mac(Japanese only),how to translate from emulator to Macintosh(Japanese only)
Yano'sMSX legendnice computer MSX(Japanese only),block destroy(Japanese only)
Machao(Yamauchi)'sMy dead MSX2+one point essay(Japanese only),Essaies about MSX software(Japanese only)
Dajaranger(Yamauchi)'sOriginal ProgramOriginal Game "Karoe VS Boonman"(Japanese only)
Yutan(Yamada)'sPool named "Y"BBS host program for MSX(Japanese only),MuSICA Player(Japanese only),Music data for MuSICA,Musam(Japanese only),History and Logs of "Y-chan Net"
Mr.y(Yamada)'sActive Create!Brain combat information(Japanese only),Brain combat sales information(Japanese only)
UP's(Yamato)'sDATA buffetGame of own works(Japanese only),FM Music program(Japanese only)
TOSHI(Yokoyama)'sMSXMSX Hardware, Original software on MSX-FAN(Japanese only)
Yoshioka'sMGS driver for MSXMGS Driver information,informaton about FS-A1GT(Japanese only),Music data for MGS Driver
Yoshizawa'sFor All MSX users!!case of MSX(Japanese only)
Yoshida'sFOXHOUND IRREGULARSMetalgear2 online manual(Japanese only),BBS on Kojima's Works(Japanese only)
D.Yoshida'sMSX game hintsgradius,goonies tips(Japanese only)
Memory(Yoshida)'sRetro Game Fun Club Osaka HeadpageBBSes on Retro Games(Japanese only)
Makorin(Yoshimura)'sMSX secret serviceInternet MSXFIN(Japanese only),tools for MSX-DOS/MSX-VIEW(Japanese only)
GHOST(Washio)'sMSX is living forever!!Puzzle Invisible,TRIUMPH,Shooting Star,MSX News from Japan,MSX international exchange
Itaro(Wakasugi)'sAntique Computer MSXHistory of holding MSX, Original Tools(Japanese only)
aleph'sMSX roomMSX's impression(Japanese only),Game review(Japanese only)
Atsumu'sFT-Netlocal area BBS information(Japanese only)
ayucow'sRADANCG group in NIFTY-MSXforum(Japanese only)
Chiri Acta'sMSX festaMSX festa Web BBS(Japanese only),MSX festa & event informaition(Japanese only)
Furuchan'sdear MSXLet's talk MSX,Let's vote MSX games(Japanese only),favorite MSX games(Japanese only)
Hirokun'sProgram junkyaction fighting game(Japanese only)
HiromichiTenka'sM tipsrelics/snatcher/karuizawa perfect answers,game tips(Japanese only)
Washizaki'sKonami's MSX SoftKonami game list,Tips and Cheat(Japanese only)
IDK'son line softwarehypercube maze,mask computation(Japanese only),geme remodeling tools(Japanese only)
Influenza'sActivityDM-System2,shooting game(Japanese only)
Kensan'sMSX photo galleryKurashiki canvas,Osaka Ese seminor(Japanese only)
Kijibato'skijibato museumold homemade programs introduction(Japanese only)
K_MMO'shomepageRPG:NON NON NONNA(Japanese only)
koume'ssite koume
Macska'smyu-kun farmmyu- of 8192 floor storied(Japanese only)
MAYAMI'sMSX LIFEHoemmade program,Panel de Pon!!(Japanese only),MSX Dot picture(Japanese only)
Mitchell YAM'smusicmusic data for MSX-MUSIC(Japanese only),music driver/MML compiler KOKA(Japanese only)
NEEDLE'spersonal-computerMSX documents(Japanese only),some games review(Japanese only)
OGS'sSoftware introductionSCORE BOARD,Pushpush game,OG-QUIZ(Japanese only)
Oiseau'sLa Cagewark area/BIOS info(Japanese only),disk tools(Japanese only),Report about LS-120(Japanese only)
OKEI'sHOMEPAGEese SCC tools,megaRAM emulator(Japanese only)
Rocket machine'sDOWNLOADLUNA; Disk cash for DOS2,SILAS(Japanese only)
rxj03102'sMSXHALNOTE information(Japanese only)
Saiey'sComputers Which Passed Through MeAbout FS-A1,HB-F1XD(Japanese only),Games of MSX siries(Japanese only)
SapporoMomoko'sMe and MSXMy favorite computers(Japanese only)
Setsura'sELEMENTAL SOFTLittleLovers,PALLMITH,Millenium(Japanese only)
shiyou'spurple rayoriginal musics for FM music(Japanese only),###,JAPAN
TAD.Y'sGDPOUTBURST information(Japanese only)
TAK'sMSX reconstruction plandocument for fMSX(Japanese only),game review(Japanese only)
TAKKU!'sMPX pagemusic player for MSX music drivers(Japanese only)
Tarosan'sTarosan's LaboratoryDoMP player for MPK,Extend BASIC information(Japanese only),Extend BASIC for MGSDRV/MPK/Rodon5th(Japanese only),FSW Warehouse Board
TPM.CO'sTPM.CO SOFT WORKSReviews about Impressionable software (including his),"GRAYGROFA" "TAROTICA VOO DOO" Mail Order and Trial Version
Todomesatoshi'sgraphic galleryCG with graphsaurs(Japanese only)
uka2'sgallerydot picture(Japanese only)
Watanoki'sMSX CanvasEvent "MSX Canvas Osaka" Official Site(Japanese only)
Xi.'sHomePageUnofficial G-NET news(Japanese only),MSX user's UTAGE '97 news(Japanese only),Mapper RAM condition indicator(Japanese only),music for MGS & OPLL driver(Japanese only)
Kato402'sMSX Love RoomPrologue about his original game which is stopping to develop now(Japanese only),CG carried on the last MSX-FAN, etc(Japanese only)
RZM'sEssaies on GamesEssaies about the memorable games(Japanese only)
KYOICHI'sKYOICHI's HomepageInformation of MSX Users' "Utage", Links(Japanese only),BBS(Japanese only)
bo'sMSX PageBungeling Bay Opration File(Japanese only)
Bonzu'sAnzel AssCGs with MSX(Japanese only)
Kigouya Tenshu'sMSX RoomKIGOU.BAS, Line Art(Japanese only)
WHOW'sAnother Dimensional RoomCG with MSX,3D Illustrations of SYNTAX Characters(Japanese only)
Miki's£Æorever with MSX. MSX is your friend, don't be afraid!Photos of Genuinet Members Ofiiline Meeting(Japanese only)
F.A.Itachi'sMSX dustbinReports about MSX NAGANO, Genuinet Offline Meeting(Japanese only)
SMOKE97'sMSXEssaies about the memorable software
AKIRA'sEmulated Machines on ApplesThe introduction of fMSX-Mac, FreeMSX, and the list of the runnable software on emulators
Miyo'sThe List of Miyo's Free Software"PM Family", archivers for CP/M(Japanese only),UnPma for MS-DOS(Japanese only)
Longfee'sLongfee WorkshopCGs by MSX,Free Talk of MSX
Suzumizaki'sMSX SectionMIDI Tool "SZMxx" Series(Japanese only),Printing Tool "SZMPR"(Japanese only),Review of MSX Dojin Software(Japanese only)
Koba'sCandleCGs drawn with MSX(Japanese only)
Kazuo Matsumoto'sAbout MSX
yohama'sTalking Mode: MSXEssay on MSX(Japanese only)
senroha'sComputers roomOriginal Game "Panel Quiz Attack 25"(Japanese only)
Washizaki'sMSX Gamesoft DatabaseList of all commercial software(Japanese only),Launcher for PhyLoCp(Japanese only),Lists of software and these tips on Konami's games(Japanese only)
Moheiji'sWith the Good Machine, MSX¡ÄCGs with MSX(Japanese only)
Kensan'sKENSAN's Photo GalleryPhoto Report of MSX Events(Japanese only)
beagle'sMSXA photo scanned by SONY HBI-VI(Japanese only)
Yuji'sMSXEssay on MSX(Japanese only),Original games can be downloaded(Japanese only)
HAL Bon'sMSX Music BoxOriginal MuSICA Data for SoundVQ(Japanese only)
Sakurabe Notos'sMSX CGCGs drawn with MSX. The title CGs of "NV Magazine", etc.(Japanese only)
Hirotaroh'sMSXtoolsBackup software for MEGA-ROMs, MEGA-ROM loader on a real MSX(Japanese only),Tetris-like puzzle games "COLLIS""COLLIMS"(Japanese only)
Kitaji'sMSX RoomMusic data for the MGS driver(Japanese only)
Buppu'sMSXData about VDP, MSX-MUSIC, HAL-SCAN, etc(Japanese only),A sample setting of fMSX98, and its patches to fix bugs(Japanese only)
Uirohi'sUirohi Game HouseOriginal Game is download-able(Japanese only)
Bia'sCLOUDEN 4th IslandCG on NV-Magazine(Japanese only)
MZK'sMZK's HomepageH-FORTH Word(Japanese only)
Poem-roman-do'sI Love LotLot
Wa san'sMSX ForeverEssay on MSX(Japanese only)
Minehiro'sSTUDIO Sequence & S.MINEHIRO 'S SOFTWARE ARCHIVEOriginal Games, containing abandoned and trial-version(Japanese only)
America Daisaku'sAmerica Daisaku's HomepageOriginal software(Japanese only)
Takachan'sThe Page of Nikukiu CircumstancesEssaies on MSX,"Decolation Disk" Downloadable
JRK'sJRK's homepageInformation pages related with the same corner on NV(Japanese only),Users' Meeting in the South Kanto(Japanese only)
Hiro'sAbout MSXEssaies on MSX, MSX Sound System(Japanese only)
Pempi'sGame ClubOld Game Reviews, GAME de QUIZ!, Helpful BBS(Japanese only)
c14'sRegeEccentric goods around him(Japanese only)
SONN'sSONN's ROOMMaterial on random numbers, Math-Pack(Japanese only),Displaying 512 colors at the same time(Japanese only),Dis-assembler for Z80, MSXtoBMP(for Win)(Japanese only)
Zawel'sZawel Stardust World UndergroundMemory of Circle"COMPUTER CITY", "Oisha-no-Tamago Club"(Inukkiri by Inuzorisha)(Japanese only)
Tatakau MIPS'sCcontributed SoftwareSoftware on MSX-FAN(Japanese only)
Kou-iti'sHASHIKURE Ko-BoSMF of Game Musics(Japanese only)
Kazu'sPSG Spread CommitteeTo Make MIDI like PSG. Sale the original data FD and CD-DA.(Japanese only)
Ryujim'maru'sRyujim'maru's Homepage"MORA" Trial Version and Tools(Japanese only),MGS/MIDI Data(Japanese only)
Tak'sXEVIOUS EXPLANATIONInformation on "Xevious" Series, List of the all characters(Japanese only)
Meraman'sMeraman's Homepage "Download Service"PhotoCD Viewer "pcdd", CPK to EVA Converter "cpkc", Screen Savers(Japanese only),SMF Player "sawp", RCP Player "sarx"(Japanese only)
Hoshino Picasso'sLove to Vomit of Blood; "The Downy Hair's Mind"Illustrations for magazine "TOMBOY"(Japanese only)
Tsuguha'sSOFT-STUDIO WING Fan ClubThe Fan Club of "WING"'s software. Reviews.(Japanese only)
Jingu'sTips Preservation and Administration CommitteeTips on MSX games(Japanese only)
G-One'sG-One-chi MSXMusic files for MuSICA(Japanese only)
ko80'sMSX RoomDownloadable Fighting Game (pre-titled) for turboR(Japanese only)
FACTORIAN!'sMusic WorkshopMIDI Files of Konamic Games, etc(Japanese only)
TAKO'sProgram Download CornerGames on NV-Magazine, "Soldier's I" "Super Quiz Star Version2"(Japanese only)
Pyon!'sMSX Life!To download "200 yen Disk"(Japanese only)
Shimi'sShimi's MSX RoomTips to clear "King Kong 2"(Japanese only)
Onitch'sMSX Archeology LaboratoryList on games which can run on emulators.
A.R.E.SYSTEM'sMSX Divisionadventuregame detective NUMARIN(Japanese only)
ASCAT'sHomepageJuki, the Ranger,TIMER-BALL,MSX technical guidebook
Create-Image'sHomepagefiler for turbo R,address book(Japanese only),MSXMUSIC DATA(Japanese only),MSX goods for sale(Japanese only)
ESE Artict Factory'sHomepageEse seminor,Holand report,ESERAM/MEGASCSI information
Gala Inc.'sKONAMI MSX Collections RankingRequest of MSX collection for PlayStation(Japanese only)
GENUINE NETWORK'sHomepageTOMBOY information,TOMBOY information,Chat page for most of GML member(Japanese only),mailinglist for the members of Genuine Network(Japanese only),Database and Linking-Collection about amateur software(Japanese only),Database and Linking-Collection about amateur software(Japanese only)
INTERPRETER SOFTWARE'sHomepageSWEETEYsiries,originalDISKmagazine infomation(Japanese only)
Justice Software'sMSX-SEEDMSX game information magazine mini BBS(Japanese only),MSX game information magazine mini BBS(Japanese only)
JR SOFT'shome pageViewCall,FASTView(Japanese only)
LIMIA SYSTEM'sHomepageGagdius,mayor election in Fukuoka(Japanese only)
MARIO-NET'sHomePageJapanese BBS(Japanese only)
Maple Yard'sMoon Light Saga Official Home PageMoon Light Saga information(Japanese only)
Mo soft's MAX,MSX alhambla,MSX train(Japanese only),quarterly MAX,MSX alhambla,MSX train(Japanese only),MSX festa report(Japanese only)
Mycom BASIC magazine'shomepagecontribute programs(Japanese only)
MYTHIOS'sHomepageTC battlers(Japanese only)
NetOne'sused gamesused games salese(Japanese only)
STUDIO Cherry Blossom'sHomepageAnimation system TALKIE,SFX-P V2,Metalgear,War of the dead2 tips
SYNTAX'sMSX Disk Writer HomepageSelling Japanese Original Software(Japanese only),Selling Japanese Original Software(Japanese only),TALK corner,Virtual Cafe,Hideki-kun(Japanese only),SYNTAX Chat(Japanese only)
SYSTEMAX'suser support sitecourse of Z80(Japanese only),Integrated Development Environment SHIVA(Japanese only),MSX comment board,chat(Japanese only)
TEMPEST'sHomepageANIMECHA pre release version(Japanese only),BE-BOP BOUT(Japanese only)
TERRA Network System'sMSX cornerAddRAM:4MB memory cartridge for MSX(Japanese only)
White mouse soft'sCommunication Home Page Disk magazine Entasis,Suu-jyan DX(Japanese only),Lover's chat room(Japanese only)
x.m.o.'sHome pageTechno-Pop,Shiritori(Japanese only)
YU-KI NET'sYU-KI Net On The WebBBS information(Japanese only),Member's Salon(Japanese only)
Bakuretsu Koubou'sMSX and BakuretsuComments of Bakuretsu's works(Japanese only)
Yokkaichi High-school Electricity Club'sMSX RoomGame "Ikkyu-san Sugoroku" download(Japanese only)
NIFTY-Serve MSX forum'sFMSX Official Home PageIntroduction of MSX forum(FMSX)(Japanese only)
FACTORIAN!'sPacken Software Official PageOriginal CD of Game Music(Japanese only)
AGO SOFT'sAGO SOFTSoft on Sale, Art Gallery(Japanese only)
Vector Design'sFile areaFreesoftware(Japanese only),MSX-DOS1 emulator for MS-DOS(Japanese only)
Baboo!'sBaboo! BBSBBS provided by Baboo!(Japanese only),BBS on the technical subjects of both software and hardware(Japanese only),BBS on the technical subjects of both software and hardware(Japanese only),BBS on the technical subjects of both software and hardware(Japanese only),BBS on MSX Games(Japanese only),BBS on MSX Games(Japanese only),BBS on giving knowhow about reparing MSX (Japanese only),BBS on giving knowhow about reparing MSX (Japanese only),BBS on trading MSX goods (No commercial use)(Japanese only),BBS on trading MSX goods (No commercial use)(Japanese only),BBS on MSX Emulators(Japanese only),BBS on MSX Emulators(Japanese only)
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